

Cyber security is a set of processes, best practices and technological solutions that help protect your critical systems and network from digital attacks. With the proliferation of data and more people working and connecting from virtually anywhere, malicious individuals have responded by developing sophisticated methods to gain access to resources and steal data, sabotage businesses or extort money.

The number of attacks grows every year, and attackers develop new methods to avoid detection. An effective cyber security program includes people, processes and technology solutions that together reduce the risk of business interruption, financial loss and reputational damage due to attacks.

cyber security

Types of cyber security threats

A cyber security threat is a deliberate attempt to gain access to an individual or organization’s system. The attack methods of malicious people are constantly evolving to avoid detection and exploit new vulnerabilities, but they have some common methods that you can guard against.


Malware is a generic term for any malicious software, including worms, ransomware, spyware and viruses. This type of software is designed to cause damage to computers or networks by altering or deleting files, extracting confidential data such as passwords and account numbers, or sending malicious emails or traffic. Malware can be installed by an attacker who has access to the network; however, individuals often unwittingly deploy malware on company devices or networks after clicking on a bad link or downloading an infected attachment.


Phishing is a type of social engineering that uses emails, text messages or mailboxes that appear to be from a trusted source to convince people to share confidential information or click on an unknown link. Some phishing campaigns are sent to a large number of people in the hope that one of them will click. Other campaigns, known as spear phishing, are more focused and target a single person. For example, a person could impersonate a job applicant in order to get a recruiter to download an infected CV.


Ransomware is a form of extortion that uses malware to encrypt files, making them inaccessible. In general, attackers obtain data during a ransomware attack and threaten to publish it if they don’t receive payment. In exchange for a decryption key, victims must pay a ransom, usually in cryptocurrency. Not all decryption keys work, so payment is not a guarantee that the files will be recovered.

Internal threats

In an insider threat, people who already have access to some systems, such as employees, contractors or customers, breach security or cause some financial loss. In some cases, the damage is unintentional, such as when an employee accidentally publishes confidential information in a personal cloud account. However, some insider threats are malicious.

Social engineering

In social engineering, attackers take advantage of people’s trust to trick them into providing account information or downloading malware. In this type of attack, malicious people impersonate a well-known brand, coworker or friend and use psychological techniques, such as creating a sense of urgency, to get victims to do what they want.

Advanced persistent threat

In an advanced persistent threat, attackers gain access to systems but remain undetected for a long time. Competitors search the target company’s systems and steal data without triggering defensive countermeasures.

Why is cyber security important?

Today, the world is more connected than ever. The global economy depends on communication between people at different times and their access to important information from almost anywhere. Cyber security increases productivity and enables innovation, giving people the confidence to work and socialize online. The right solutions and processes allow companies and governments to take advantage of technology to improve the way they communicate and provide services without increasing the risk of attacks.

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Alexandre Anjos


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